Let me help you
Let's Get In Touch!
I help you create a Success Story
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Ready to sell more products
with videos that connect with your customers?
want to stand out your brand?
Let's Create
Magic Together!
contact me
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about me
Hey, it's Maite!
I'm Maite, a food photographer based in Spain. I help food and beverage companies ensure successful product sales, creating photos and videos that connect better with their customers.I graduated in Food Technology and Nutrition. After working in my area, in 2020, I started my recipe blog at earthymaite.com, where I share plant-based recipes. I slowly started building my Studio and mastered my photography and food styling skills.I work with clients worldwide as a freelance photographer. My mission is to build a visual presence. I focus on sharing a story, evoking emotion, and communicating the brand's core values. I create meaningful and intentional photos and videos to elevate the engagement of the customers.
Whatever your needs,
I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
Let's connect:
earthy maite studio's services
Food Styling
and Photography
Creative and inspiring images that enhance the use
of your products. Capture your viewer with photos that
perfectly encapsulate your core brand values and
communicate the spirit of your brand.All services include project discussion, pre-shoot planning,
cooking, prop/food styling,
food photography, and post-production.
earthy maite studio's services
Recipe Development
Recipe development with your products, delicious
and designed for your target audience
with eye-catching photos or videos.
earthy maite studio's services
Videography &
Stop Motion
High-quality engaging videos and stop motions
that tell a story using your products. Create a visual impact
and connection with your audience.
earthy maite studio's services
Regular Content
for Social Platforms
Regular creative content for your social platforms,
such as posts, stories, or videos.Grab your customer's attention, bring something different
to your social platforms and get the visibility you need
to your products.
Let me help you